While eating out is like asking for temptation, when you have strong enough will power, you can enjoy the restaurant atmosphere without sacrificing quality, healthy food. Before you jump in the car with a though of approval, make sure you have a strategy going into this arena. The smell alone will tempt you to trade in your healthy diet for fried foods and greasy combos! Here are some tips on coming out of a restaurant victorious.
Plan ahead before you leave the house. If you know you will be dining out, consider eating more throughout the day so that you are not as hungry at dinnertime. When compared, eating meals prepared at home contain much less calories than those at a restaurant. For the restaurant aficionados, you probably understand the lingo and meaning behind baked, broiled, crispy, grilled, steamed, and so many other terms. But if you are new to the cooking scene, brush up on menu terms. This will save you a world of heartache.
Some terms are deceiving. You might think anything other than fried is a good choice, but that is simply not the case. By brushing up on these terms and learning their meaning, you can better evaluate the menu and choose a healthy meal.
Determine where you will be going and take a look at their menu. When you decide what you will get before you get there, your taste buds will start to crave the chosen meal. Without consuming too much time on this process, you have to begin transitioning your lifestyle from last minute meal decisions to planned, well thought out decisions.
Once you arrive at the restaurant, order foods from all of the main food groups. Your daily nutritional intake should include meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and grains. Instead of grabbing a fried appetizer, opt for a salad that includes several of your food group items, such as a fruit infused salad. When ordering salad, make sure the dressing is low in calories and fat. Many dressings are the downfall of salad. Even with a healthy vegetable, you can rack up calories with fatty dressings.
Side dishes are another downfall. While you might feel confident ordering the grilled fish, if your sides are filled with grease, fat, and carbohydrates, the battle is lost. Choose vegetables, such as a baked potato.
Reading the details of eating out might make you want to forgo the experience altogether, but don’t lose hope. If you can take time in the beginning of this change to learn the terms and understand nutritional values, you will be able to dine out without the struggle of interpreting menus.
When you get your food, take your time. The faster you eat, the more you eat. Slow down and enjoy each bite. When you eat slowly, your brain communicates with your stomach and you feel full faster.
Eating at home is always a good decision. But it’s not always a viable option. When enjoying a special time with family and friends, you can eat healthy and enjoy your meal.