With the holiday’s right around the corner, it can be tempting to stock up on all of the wonderful treats the season brings. But don’t give in to that delicious puppy chow and mouthwatering turkey just yet. Before you release all control, consider these tips for staying fit during the holidays.
The first thing to remember is to keep moving. You might find that holiday season is extra busy with parties, errands, and various functions to attend. But don’t give up your healthy routine for this season. It’s important to keep moving and exercising. Not only keeping you physically fit, exercising can help you handle any added stress that comes with the joys of the holidays. If you find that sticking to your usual routine is difficult during the holidays, don’t get down on yourself. Come up with a new routine that fits the season you’re in and stick with it.
After you’ve motivated yourself to keep moving, adjust your cardio routine. With so many added events on your schedule, try to pare down your cardio to fit into your busy schedule. If you only have time for ten minutes a day, commit to your ten minutes faithfully. Choose activities that can easily be accomplished in your allotted time, while challenging you and giving you a good workout. As you are out running your errands, find small ways to get exercise. If you have to run to the store, park further away for more walking time, taking as many steps as you can.
With all of your cardio input, don’t forget about strength training. You want to maintain your muscle mass. This can be accomplished by choosing compound, multi-joint movements. By focusing on large muscles, your core will also get a great workout. It’s all about effort. If you only have ten minutes, give everything you have.
In addition to working out, it is essential, especially during the holidays, to control your eating. While that pumpkin pie might be staring you in the face, resist the temptation to eat that extra slice. No one expects you to resist all together, but don’t forget about portion control.
To help you against the battle of delicious foods and self-control, consider the following. Eat ahead of time. Gathering around the table might be a longtime family tradition, but don’t overindulge on the holiday treats. If you make your grand appearance on an empty stomach, you’ll be tempted to overeat. Just as you always want to eat more smaller portions throughout the day, you want to fill your stomach before your feast, ensuring that you won’t overeat.
As for the most difficult tip, you only need one treat. Choose wisely and indulge. Choose a treat that you can only get during the holidays and take the time to enjoy it. And remember, don’t skip meals. Eating those smaller portions is perfect during the holidays when all of the snacks are sitting around. Keep these things in mind and you’ll keep your beach body.