Dr. Clayton Frenzel is a dual certified surgeon in both cosmetic plastic surgery and bariatric weight loss surgery. With years of experience and education, he has successfully performed the Brazilian Butt Lift for countless patients.
The Brazilian butt lift is a procedure that uses your body fat to augment the projection of the buttocks. The procedure uses liposuction and lipo-injection techniques that add a significant volume of body fat into the areas of the buttocks that need enhancement. When the Brazilian butt lift is performed properly, it can give patients a natural, plump, aesthetic silhouette.
Dr. Frenzel performs liposuction on the stomach, thighs, or hips. When the harvested fat is purified, it is then used for lipo-injections on the buttocks. This process can be done in one day or it may require multiple visits and procedures.
The procedure works because the fat administered to the buttocks gives a full, more appealing figure. Added benefits of the Brazilian butt lift included increased cushioning and the elimination of fat deposits on the thighs, hips, or stomach from the liposuction.
To have a successful Brazilian butt lift surgery, it is vital to have a qualified, experienced surgeon. When liposuction is complete, the harvested fat must be purified. The survival of fat isn’t guaranteed and the results must be monitored very carefully. Dr. Frenzel has years of experience working with patients to complete this procedure carefully and successfully.
When the procedure is complete, bruising and discomfort are to be expected. A compression garment is required to ensure the best possible results.
This procedure is consistently increasing in popularity, as it addresses multiple procedures in one. It requires full body liposuction to remove the fat from unwanted areas and lipo-injection to give the buttocks a full, round, and aesthetic appearance. Candidates for this procedure are those that lack proportion in the buttocks, feel they have a flat buttocks, and want more shape in their silhouette.
In some cases, patients want to not only have a bigger behind, but want a flatter stomach. Some patients have gone through this procedure in one setting, taking only about two to three hours to complete. Every person is different and the experience will be different for each person, so it’s important to not compare yourself to other patients.
To learn more about how the procedure would be for your specific body, contact Dr. Frenzel and set up a one-on-one consultation today. There, you’ll learn more about the risks, outcome, and expectations of the procedure.
The Brazilian butt lift procedure can be the change you’ve been looking for. It not only transforms your body, but it gives you the confidence you’ve been wanting!