The breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular surgical options available at BodEvolve Cosmetic Surgery & Med Spa. With years of experience and board certified in cosmetic surgery, Dr. Frenzel is a leading surgeon in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
If you are considering breast surgery, there are many options to ensure that you get exactly what you are looking for. It’s no secret that women can struggle with the size or shape of their breasts. If you are self-conscious about your silhouette and desire to make change, the staff at BodEvolve Cosmetic Surgery & Med Spa is here to help.
Whether it’s aging, nursing, gravity, or insufficient development, there are several reasons patients are looking to invest in the breast augmentation surgery. Don’t let fear or insecurity hold you back. Be proud of your body! With the breast enhancement procedure, there are several options to help you navigate your way to improved confidence, a beautiful silhouette, and improved curves.
During an initial consultation, Dr. Frenzel will discuss the different types of implants, incision location, and location of placement. At BodEvolve Cosmetic Surgery & Med Spa, you can choose between silicone and saline implants to augment the size and shape of the breasts. These implants are placed above or below the pectoral muscle, determined during the consultation with Dr. Frenzel.
Incision location is a major concern for many patients. Because scarring does occur, patients are often concerned about the incision. Dr. Frenzel works with you to find the best solution for your body. The umbilical incision is a small hidden incision made in the navel. Periareolar is a curved incision made at the outer border of the colored portion of the areola. An inframammary incision is made in the fold of the breast. And, finally, an axillary incision is made in the armpit area.
Many patients report back that the breast augmentation surgery has made a huge difference in their self-confidence. Carol was referred to Dr. Frenzel by a friend who had bariatric surgery and post-bariatric cosmetic surgery. She decided she wanted a breast augmentation and the results were phenomenal. She says that her augmentation left her feeling more confident than she’d ever been.
It’s important to do your research when making any major decision. Allow our staff to help you make an informed decision regarding breast augmentation surgery and all that it entails. Schedule a consultation today and learn more about your options.
That’s exactly what Erika did. Erika had a breast augmentation in 2012 and still brags about her results. With a boost in confidence, she now has confidence she never thought possible. When she scheduled her initial consultation, her right breast was smaller than her left breast. But after surgery, they are perfectly even and she feels much better about her silhouette.