Are you interested in cosmetic surgery on your body, but are unsure what the future holds for you? No matter what your age, women looking to have cosmetic surgery on their body always want to know how their bodies will be affected in the event that they get pregnant. Here are some of the main body cosmetic surgeries and how they affect future pregnancies.
A breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Women who have previously breast fed, those whose breasts have changed due to gravity, and those whose breasts have changed due to aging might be looking to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. But if there is any possibility of a future pregnancy, you should know how it will affect you. Breast implants should not affect future pregnancies when placed under the muscle. If implants are placed under the breasts, breast feeding should not be affected, either. However, the enlarging on your natural breast tissue due to pregnancy may change the look of your breasts.
A pregnancy will affect your body. With each pregnancy you endure, you will gain weight as the baby grows. Because of this, your body will change. Your pelvic bones will rotate, your muscles will stretch, and you will gain new pockets of fat. If you are considering getting liposuction before pregnancy, you need to weigh its worth. Liposuction can give you confidence to proceed in life. However, it might be a temporary fix. After you have children, you might need to have a liposuction procedure done again. With this said, liposuction will not affect future pregnancies. It is not bad or harmful to you or your child.
A tummy tuck, like other cosmetic surgeries, should be carefully considered, when thinking about a future pregnancy. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen, giving you a smoother, firmer stomach. Because a tummy tuck creates a firm stomach, you will see a reversal of the procedure during a post-surgery pregnancy. If you do proceed with a tummy tuck then get pregnant, you and your child will still be safe. It does not negatively affect you or the baby. However, the tissue in your stomach will stretch out again, recreating the stomach you had before the tummy tuck. Again, it is important to note that a tummy tuck does not affect your ability to have a child. After your pregnancy, however, you might need a second tummy tuck.
All of the available body cosmetic surgeries change the look of your body. Likewise, a pregnancy will alter the way your body looks. A pregnancy changes your breasts, your stomach, and your hips. If you want a cosmetic procedure on your body, but are not close to the stage of child bearing, you should go through with the procedure. Gain the self-image you want and gain confidence. Body cosmetic surgeries will not affect your pregnancy in a negative way.