Living a healthy lifestyle is encouraged by doctors, friends, family, and media. It seems like everywhere we go, we hear people promoting living a healthy lifestyle. But, if you’ve grown up in the era of drive-thru restaurants and video games, you might not even know where to begin. Here are some practical tips to help you transform your habits and begin a journey to live a healthier lifestyle.
Stay Active.
This seems so simple. But, it can be incredibly difficult to stay active. Imagine sitting at your desk for eight hours a day, going home, fixing dinner, and going to bed. This normal routine for Americans leaves no time to work out.
Staying active requires a lifestyle change. Many of us go through our everyday routines without realizing that there are a handful of changes we can make to stay active. So, here are some ways you can stay active throughout your work day:
Use your desk as a workout station. Sitting behind a computer doesn’t mean you have to sit still. There are workout machines that are lightweight and portable that you can place under your desk and cycle while you sit at your desk.
If this isn’t an option at your job, bring a pair of tennis shoes to work to change into on your lunch break. Enjoy your lunch and then spend 15 to 20 minutes walking. This little change can make a significant difference on your health.
After work, once you’re home, instead of sitting on the couch during your favorite show, stand up and do cardio exercises. You don’t have to have fancy machines or a gym membership to get a solid workout in. Do high knees, jumping jacks, burpees, or run in place. Just getting your heart rate up and staying active for one 30-minute show can transform your life.
Of course, in addition to working out, a healthy lifestyle requires diet changes. You can work out all day, but if you’re eating fast food for every meal, it’s not going to induce change. Make sure to incorporate all the necessary nutrients into your daily diet. Protein, dairy, vegetables, fruit, and carbohydrates are all good food to consume in moderation. Look at the food pyramid and make sure you are including these food groups into your daily ddiet.
Finding the time to start the changes is the biggest factor that keeps people from making any change. Find an accountability partner to help you on your new health journey.