Last month, we posted the story of Kristen, a 33-year-old woman who found her skin revitalized by a customized skin therapy regime with Obagi Nu-Derm. Now, the next chapter in Obagi Nu-Derm’s “Watch the Transformation” series of videos has debuted on YouTube.
47-year old Wendy had skin damage accumulate over the decades that made her skin look spotty and lifeless. With freckles, sun damage, and wrinkles around her eyes and lips, Wendy found herself running out of options. “I realized, at this point, I can’t turn anymore to the drugstores or department stores to get the help I’m looking for.”
Wendy finally tried Obagi Nu-Derm, a medical grade skin care line that rejuvenates the skin at the deepest levels. “I spoke with my doctor, and she said it was very important to stick with the program,” Wendy says.
After a week or so, she noticed that she was experiencing redness around the mouth and lips, but not much was happening. “I think I was expecting a quick change, but I’m realizing it’s more of a commitment that I’m making to my skin and that it will take some time.”
Fast forward a few more weeks, and Wendy can’t believe the change in her skin. Her crow’s feet had been minimized, as were the lines around her lips. Overall, she discovered that she had fewer wrinkles and a lovelier, more consistent skin tone.
“I think everybody who likes you says they love you just the way they are, until you look better, and then they like you even more! The Nu-Derm has made a big difference in my skin. I’m happy when I look in the mirror.”
Wendy has begun receiving unsolicited compliments at work, and knows that with sunscreen and a regular daily routine, she can maintain her skin’s vitality and appearance. “I understand that my skin is healing itself, sort of from the inside out, but for me, what matters is that I see a difference when I wash my face and I head out in the morning.”