We have heard it for ages—you have to eat your vegetables. But what are the benefits of this necessary food group? From the health benefits to the incredible natural nutrients your body absorbs, eating your vegetables isn’t a punishment; it’s a life altering decision.
Look around your home and determine the proportions of food groups stored away—carbohydrates, poultry, meat, and other proteins, vegetables, fruits, oils, etc. In most homes, bright colors are only seen on cookie cartons. Trade in the processed sweets for naturally sweetened fruits and you’ll notice a drastic difference in your family’s energy levels. Add vegetables to this mix and you’ll have more than a new habit; you’ll experience a change of lifestyle.
There are numerous health benefits to eating your vegetables. Besides the added energy, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk for heart disease—heart attack and stroke. When it comes to your physical health, eating the proper nutrients is crucial. There are several different seasonings and cooking methods to alter the taste of vegetables. If your family doesn’t enjoy raw broccoli, try steaming it or eating it in a cheddar broccoli soup.
The human body has an interesting way of reacting to food. If you begin making changes to your diet, your taste buds adjust and crave the foods you consume. Therefore, making small changes to your diet to incorporate vegetables is easier than most people think. As you eat more vegetables, you’ll crave them.
Some vegetables contain fiber, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type-2 diabetes. In addition, vegetables and fruits may protect against particular types of cancers. However, vegetables are not limited to reducing the risk of serious health diseases. They are also infused with incredible nutrients.
Most vegetables are low in fat and, thus, low in calories. If you do add seasoning to add extra flavor then calories will accumulate. But eating vegetables in their natural state ensures that you do not consume cholesterol or bad fat.
The dietary fiber that comes from vegetables reduces blood cholesterol levels. There are no disadvantages to eating your vegetables. These bright colors aren’t just decorations for the kitchen, they are filled with healthy benefits to keep you and your family energized for a healthy lifestyle. Eating vegetables gives you the vitamin A, vitamin C, and other important nutrients like folic acid and potassium.
Certain vegetables including sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, beet greens, soybeans, lima beans, and kidney beans are rich in potassium, a nutrient that helps maintain healthy blood pressure. The vitamin A in vegetables helps protect against infection and keeps eyes and skin healthy. Vitamin C helps keep gums and teeth healthy as well as healing cuts.
It’s amazing what you can miss out on by not eating your vegetables. The foods you consume are important for overall health. Make your dietary choices count by adding vegetables to the menu every day. You’ll love the different it makes.