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Aging Facial Bones May Contribute to Aging Appearance

facial bones changes contribute to facial agingWrinkles and sags, the obvious signs of facial aging, may result in part from age-related changes in facial bones, according to a new study in the January 2011 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery journal.

“What we [plastic surgeons] focus on is the aging of soft tissue – how skin and fat ages,” said Dr. Robert Shaw, a co-author of the study.  “Those aren’t the only structures in your face. Bones provide scaffolding and your muscles, fats and skin drape over bones.  If you tighten skin, but the scaffolding has deteriorated it’s not going to bring patients back to a youthful look.”

The researchers analyzed computed tomographic scans of the facial bones for three age groups: young (age 20 to 40); middle-aged (41 to 64); and older (65 and up). Twenty women and 20 men were analyzed in each group.

Measurements revealed differences in the facial bone structure between age groups. The eye socket area became wider and longer in both men and women as they aged, and the bones in the brow, nose, upper jaw and lower jaw shrank.

Wrinkles probably occur from a combination of bones and the skin losing elasticity, according to Dr. Shaw. “The skin aging is a big part of it,” he said.  “It’s not just using creams; it’s taking care of yourself for bone health and skin health.” He suggested keeping up on calcium to maintain bone health.

The researchers believe that by using materials and techniques for skeletal augmentation, plastic and cosmetic surgeons can improve the outcomes of facial rejuvenation. “Skeletal augmentation offers a rejuvenation of the facial skeleton and may be performed in conjunction with soft-tissue redraping,” they wrote.

Dr. Frenzel offers several facial rejuvenation procedures, including face lift, brow lift and cheek augmentation.

Chin Surgery

Chin augmentation surgery is a leading solution for patients that may exhibit a “weak” chin or lack of chin projection. If jaw development or misaligned teeth are an issue, oral surgery may be recommended; however, chin augmentation surgery is a safe and effective option for most candidates.

A weak chin can significantly affect the facial profile. With the help of a biocompatible implant, your face will achieve a balance that can create a stronger jawline and elongate the face. The implant will be placed over the lower jaw bone structure, helping to strengthen your jaw line while providing your facial profile with a naturally balanced structure.

Chin Implants

Compared to temporary fillers, the chin implant is a method of achieving your desired facial structure. The solid silicon implant comes in various shapes and sizes in order to give your face a natural, well-balanced appearance. There are even specific implants available that do not add projection to the chin, but fill in indentations around the chin for a more attractive jawline.

Chin augmentation surgery can also be performed alongside other aesthetic procedures. As various approaches to chin augmentation exist, your surgeon will work with you to choose the procedure best for your facial structure.

Chin Surgery Techniques

Chin augmentation surgery may be administered in several different ways. Patients will be able to choose an implant that best complements the contour of their facial structure, helping to create a natural jaw line. Different shapes, sizes, and materials are available to ensure a truly customized implant that is unique to your face.

Though implant procedures may vary by patient, a small incision will be made through the mouth or underneath the chin to place the biocompatible material directly over the lower jaw bone. Incision lines will heal beautifully and go virtually unnoticed over time.

Chin augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure performed in our fully accredited facility, under local anesthetic with mild IV sedation. The duration of the procedure generally lasts less than two hours, with very minimal discomfort.

After Chin Surgery

After chin augmentation surgery, the recovery process is fairly quick and patients typically experience minimal discomfort. Recovery varies by procedure, but the chin area will feel slightly numb while the face heals from the surgery. Tape may be placed over the implant to secure its position just after surgery, and sutures are typically removed after 5 to 7 days.
There may be a feeling of “tightness” while the skin adjusts to the implant. Any discomfort may be alleviated through following the instructions of your surgeon and medicine that will be prescribed.

For more information, please contact our office today!

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that tightens excess, sagging skin around the inner and outer thighs and reshapes the contour of the lower body. Lower body procedures like the thigh lift are popular for patients that have undergone weight loss surgery and lost a significant amount of weight, leaving them with excess, redundant skin.

Who can benefit from Thigh Lift Surgery?

Some of the problems Dr. Frenzel can correct with a thigh lift include the following:

  • Excess skin on the inner thigh
  • Excess skin on the buttocks and anterior thighs
  • Excess skin on the posterior thighs
  • Limited fat deposits in these areas

Candidates for thigh lift surgery should be healthy, non-smokers with good skin elasticity. They should also have realistic expectations about surgery and be able to understand the risks and benefits involved. In some cases, Liposuction or a tummy tuck may also be recommended to obtain the most satisfying results.

Thigh Lift Procedures

The incisions for thigh lift surgery are specially placed in natural body folds, in locations that allow clothing to cover your scars. Some excess skin and tissue below the incision is removed and lifted as needed. Dissolvable sutures are placed, along with drains to remove fluid that accumulates during recovery. An elastic compression garment is worn to reduce swelling and ensure a smooth result.

After Thigh Lift Surgery

Recovery time is approximately 1-2 weeks, during which patients are advised to walk around in order to prevent blood clots. Dr. Frenzel prescribes pain medications to reduce discomfort. Light exercise can be resumed after a few weeks. Once a full recovery is realized, patients can maintain a regular exercise routine to optimize the results of surgery. For more information on thigh lift surgery, contact the office of Dr. Frenzel for a private consult.

Post-Bariatric Body Lift

Dr. Frenzel is one of only a handful of surgeons in the country that has not only completed a bariatric surgery fellowship but also a full facial and body cosmetic surgery fellowship. He understands all the complex issues that a post-bariatric patient may face not only from a medical and cosmetic standpoint, but also from a mental aspect. Dr. Frenzel is one of only a select few surgeons in the country that is formally trained to take care of the bariatric patient from beginning to end.

A to Z with Doctor C!

A lower body lift is a surgical procedure that removes and tightens excess, sagging skin around the buttocks, hips, and thighs to reshape the contour of the lower body. Lower body procedures like the body lift are popular for patients who have experienced massive weight loss through gastric bypass, lap band, or realize band procedures.

Who Can Benefit From a Body Lift?

The problems corrected by a body lift are mostly related to excess, redundant skin. In body lift surgery, Dr. Frenzel corrects problems such as the following:

  • Excess, sagging skin on the buttocks
  • Excess skin on the thighs and hips
  • Limited fat deposits in lower body areas

Candidates for body lift surgery should be healthy, non-smokers with good skin elasticity. They should also have realistic expectations about surgery and be able to understand the risks and benefits involved. In some cases, Liposuction or a tummy tuck may also be recommended to obtain the most satisfying results.

Body Lift Procedures

The incisions for body lift surgery are specially placed in natural body folds, in locations that allow clothing to easily cover your scars. Skin and tissue below the incisions is removed and lifted as needed. Dissolvable sutures are placed, along with drains to remove fluid that accumulates during recovery.

After Body Lift Surgery

Recovery time is approximately 1-2 weeks. During this time, pain medications can be prescribed and an elastic compression garment is worn to reduce swelling. Light exercise can be resumed after a 2-3 weeks, and normal activity can re resumed after 4-6 weeks. Once a full recovery is realized, patients can maintain a regular exercise routine to optimize the results of surgery.

For more information on body lift surgery, contact the office of Dallas bariatric and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Clayton Frenzel.

New Guidelines for Post Bariatric Surgery Care Published

Bariatric surgery is becoming more common—the Endocrine Society estimates that around 200,000 weight loss surgeries were performed last year. Because of this, the society put together a task force that has published guidelines for post-op bariatric surgery follow-up and monitoring.

Seventeen recommendations were published online in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism by the task force headed by David Heber, MD, PhD, of the University of California Los Angeles.

Some of the recommendations include that clinicians should:

  • Monitor bone density and serum nutrient levels after weight loss procedures that can reduce nutrient absorption.
  • Consider vitamin and mineral supplements for all patients who’ve had weight-loss surgery.

The guidelines also recommended patients should have postoperative diets that include 60 to 120 grams of protein per day both immediately after surgery and for long-term nutritional management.

The task force wrote:

To guide patients through the transition to life after bariatric surgery, a multidisciplinary team that includes an experienced primary care physician, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist should provide care, and patients should consider enrolling postoperatively in a comprehensive program for nutrition and lifestyle management.

Such support can ease the transition to life after bariatric surgery and may help prevent weight regain.

The task force also recommended that patients should be monitored for nutrient deficiencies, and they included a symptom list for deficiencies in six major vitamins and minerals.

They also called for more rigorous study of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in bariatric surgery patients, to obtain better data on long-term outcomes and possible complications such as insulin-mediated hypoglycemia.

The abstract is available online. Dr. Frenzel at Advanced Cosmetic Surgery in Arlington, Texas is an expert in the field of bariatric surgery, and he performs several weight loss surgeries, including lap band, gastric bypass, and gastric sleeve.

Core Strengthening Exercises for Men and Women

Toning your core doesn’t have to be an uphill battle.  While many men and women struggle with their core, there are solutions that do not consume hours of your day.  If you are looking for an effective method of core strengthening exercises, here are the top three that will get you a solid core in no time.

Of course, if you want a toned core, you have to balance exercise and eating healthy.  Ditch the fad diets and begin to choose healthy meals.  Getting enough protein, carbs, and even good fats will help you in your core exercises.

To obtain the tight, flat stomach you’ve been wanting, it’s important that you complete a vigorous workout.  Notice that vigorous does not equal long.  If you work out effectively, you can complete a solid routine in 15 minutes.  Complete these core exercises three or four times a week and watch as your body begins to shape nicely.

Because everyone has a different body and workouts affect people in different ways, be realistic in your goals.  If you want a six pack, it will require more work than 15 minutes out of your day.  Those are the facts.  But, if you are looking to tone up, these next three exercises will help you achieve your goal.

Having a strong abdomen and back isn’t just important for your looks, but they are necessary for day-to-day tasks.  From lifting groceries and children to keeping good posture, having a fit core will drastically improve your life.

The first exercise in this routine is called the knee fold tuck.  For this exercise you will need a playground ball for between your legs.   Begin by sitting tall with your hands on the floor.  Remain tall and bend your knees while the ball is snug between your knees.  Next, lift your knees, and extend your arms.  Then, pull your knees toward your shoulders, and slowing move back into starting position.  This quick exercise will give you a solid workout.  Just make sure to keep your upper body still and tall.

The next move is called a side balance crunch.  For this exercise, you will begin with your left hand and knee on the floor and your right arm straight up in the air.  Next, you will extend your right leg to create a straight line.  Then, pull your right knee back toward your torso and bring your elbow down to your knee.  Return to beginning position.  This exercise requires balance and precision.  Make sure you are focused and don’t give up, even if you start shaking.  It’s only 15 minutes, but it is still challenging.

Finally, complete the sliding pike.  You will need a towel for this exercise and you cannot complete this move on carpet.  Begin in plank position with a towel under your feet.  Next, raise your hips and move your legs toward your hands.  This will result in pike position.  Your feet will slide easily because of the towel.  Hold the position and move back into the starting position.

Benefits of the Body Lift Surgery

As one of the only surgeons in the country to have completed a bariatric surgery fellowship as well as a full facial and body cosmetic surgery fellowship, Dr. Frenzel is highly trained and experienced in providing patients with post-bariatric surgery cosmetic procedures.

Rapid weight loss can cause excess and sagging skin on the body.  Dr. Frenzel walks along side of his patients throughout each stage of their journey.  He understands all the complex issues that a post-bariatric patients may face, not only from a medical standpoint, but also from a mental standpoint.

When patients have sagging skin around the buttocks, hips, thighs, abdomen, waist, and flanks we recommend the body lift surgery.  This procedure removes and tightens excess and sagging skin to reshape the contour of the lower body.  Lower body procedures, such as the body lift, are popular among patients who have experienced incredible weight loss.

Candidates for this procedure must be healthy, non-smokers with good skin elasticity.  It’s crucial that prospective patients understand the risks and benefits of the body lift surgery.  In some cases, liposuction or a tummy tuck may also be recommended to obtain the most satisfying results.

During the body lift procedure, an incision is made in the body’s natural folds, where they can easily be covered up by clothing.  The excess skin and tissue are removed and lifted as needed in different parts of the lower body.  Dr. Frenzel is very meticulous to make sure that your body has a natural appearance after surgery.  Once the body lift is complete, dissolvable sutures are placed along with drains to remove fluid that accumulates during recovery.

The recovery for the body lift surgery is approximately six weeks.  During this time, medications are prescribed to control symptoms and an elastic compression garment is necessary to keep the swelling down.  After about three weeks, restricted exercise can be resumed.  Then after six weeks, normal activity can be resumed.

Dr. Frenzel has a passion for helping patients through bariatric and cosmetic surgeries.  His skill and extensive training has come together to provide patients with the best results.  If you have gone through bariatric surgery or have excess skin on the lower body, allow Dr. Frenzel to help you achieve your goals.  The body lift surgery can transform your body and mind, giving you the confidence you deserve and appearance you’ve worked hard to achieve.

Schedule an initial consultation today to talk with Dr. Frenzel about the surgery, it’s risks and benefits, and to voice any questions and concerns you have regarding the body lift surgery.

Body Lift Cosmetic Procedure

As one of the few surgeons in the United States to have completed a bariatric surgery fellowship and a facial and body cosmetic surgery fellowship, Dr. Frenzel understands the complex issues that a post-bariatric patient faces from a physical and mental standpoint.

Formally trained to care for weight loss patients pre- and post-surgery, Dr. Frenzel works with patients to provide lasting results. A lower body lift is a cosmetic surgery designed to remove and tighten excess, sagging skin around the buttocks, hips, and thighs to reshape the contour of the lower body.

Patients who benefit from the body lift include those who have experienced significant weight loss through gastric bypass procedures and those who have excess skin on the buttocks, sagging skin on the thighs and hips, and those with limited fat deposits in the lower body areas.

Candidates for this cosmetic procedure need to be healthy with good skin elasticity. Like any other surgery, candidates should be non-smokers. It is important to understand the realistic outcome of surgery before having the procedure done. There are risks and benefits involved that Dr. Frenzel discusses with patients during the initial consultation.

When having a body lift surgery, it can be beneficial to also include a tummy tuck or liposuction to obtain the most satisfying results.

During the body lift cosmetic procedure, Dr. Frenzel will make incisions in natural body folds where clothing can easily cover any scarring. Once the incisions have been made, skin and tissue below the incision is removed and lifted as necessary. Then, dissolvable sutures and drains to remove fluid that accumulates during recovery are placed.

This procedure is meant to reward patients with physical improvements, but also mental improvements. Often times, patients work to reach their goal weight, but do not consider the excess skin that will accompany a lower number on the scale. Because the body loses weight so quickly with bariatric surgery, it can be difficult to tighten the skin without surgical assistance.

When patients have an ideal body figure as their goal, but cannot achieve it, it is easy to become depressed. That’s why Dr. Frenzel offers the body lift procedure. Not only can he walk you through the steps of bariatrics, but also he can join you in the completion of your weight loss journey with cosmetics. Gain the confidence you need after losing so much weight.

Once the body lift surgery is complete, patients should expect to spend about two weeks recovering. During this time, pain medication is available and an elastic compression garment should be worn to reduce any swelling. After about three weeks, light exercise can begin. However, normal activity cannot be resumed until at least four to six weeks.

Body Lift Surgery

Dr Frenzel is one of only a handful of surgeons in the country that have not only completed a bariatric surgery fellowship but also a full facial and body cosmetic surgery fellowship. He understands all the complex issues that a post-bariatric patient may face, not only from a medical and excess skin standpoint, but also from a mental aspect. Dr. Frenzel is one of only a select few surgeons in the country that is formally trained to take care of the weight loss patient from A to Z.

A lower body lift is a surgical procedure that removes and tightens excess, sagging skin around the buttocks, hips, and thighs to reshape the contour of the lower body. Lower body procedures like the body lift are popular for patients who have experienced massive weight loss through gastric bypass procedures.

Who Can Benefit From a Body Lift?

The problems corrected by a body lift are mostly related to excess, redundant skin. A body lift surgery, Dr. Frenzel corrects problems such as the following:

  • Excess sagging skin on the buttocks
  • Excess skin on the thighs and hips
  • Limited fat deposits in lower body areas

Candidates for body lift surgery should be healthy, non-smokers with good skin elasticity. They should also have realistic expectations about surgery and be able to understand the risks and benefits involved. In some cases, Liposuction or a tummy tuck may also be recommended to obtain the most satisfying results.

Body Lift Procedures

The incisions for body lift surgery are specially placed in the body’s natural folds and in locations that are easily covered-up by clothing. Skin and tissue below the incisions is removed and lifted as needed. Dissolvable sutures are placed, along with drains to remove fluid that accumulates during recovery.

After Body Lift Surgery

Recovery time is approximately 1-2 weeks. During this time, pain medications can be prescribed and an elastic compression garment is worn to reduce swelling. Light exercise can be resumed after a 2-3 weeks, and normal activity can re resumed after 4-6 weeks. Once a full recovery is realized, patients can maintain a regular exercise routine to optimize the results of surgery.

For more information on body lift surgery, contact the Dallas office of Dr. Frenzel.

Cosmetic Surgery Declines Among Teens

There has been a significant decline in the number of cosmetic surgeries among teenagers 18 and younger, according to statistics released by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Nonsurgical procedures such as laser hair removal and chemical peels were the most popular cosmetic procedures among teens in 2010, while the most common surgery was otoplasty, which corrects the appearance of protruding ears.

Otoplasty is the most popular cosmetic procedure among children under 18, mostly around the ages of 5 or 6. Recovery from otoplasty is usually fairly quick and the procedure can prevent teasing. Rhinoplasty, or nose reshaping, is also popular during the mid-teen years, and can correct functional problems with the nose at the same time that it improves the appearance.

Other procedures involve reducing breasts, in boys and girls, or correcting breast asymmetry in girls. Liposuction is rare among teenagers, as cosmetic surgeons will often have serious reservations about performing it unless there are clear and unequivocal reasons in favor of it.

The statistics reveal a stunning 38 percent drop in the number of surgical procedures over the last two years, from 203,308 procedures in 2009 to 125,397 in 2010. Both figures are much lower than the 298,704 procedures reported in 2001, and seem to contradict a general impression that teenage cosmetic surgery has been on the rise in the past decade.

How do cosmetic surgeons decide whether a procedure is appropriate for a teenager? They’re always sure to talk with them first. It’s important that the physical feature in question has basically finished growing, since continued growth could distort the effects of the surgery. Cosmetic surgeons also discuss the procedure with the teenager, so that they can:

  • dispel myths and misconceptions
  • set up reasonable expectations for the surgery
  • carefully consider benefits, drawbacks, and risks
  • explore postoperative issues and recovery times

These steps are necessary to ensure that a teenager fully understands the nature of the procedure and will emotionally benefit from the experience.