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Body Slimming With Advanced Liposuction Techniques

dallas liposuction surgeonDo you have areas of your body – the thighs, flanks, and stomach perhaps – that just don’t seem to slim down no matter what you do?  Getting the body you want may require more than a basic workout routine or healthy diet; it may also require some smart technology and a good surgeon.  The latest techniques in liposuction allow for smarter, more precise body contouring, so you can lose the saddlebags and get closer to your ideal body shape.

People who undergo liposuction aren’t necessarily overweight – many are in good physical condition.  The problem is, a shift occurs at a certain age that affects weight fluctuations, and it leaves you with stubborn areas of fat (people in the industry call them “fat deposits” or “pockets”) that don’t respond to conventional body slimming methods.

There are several relatively new liposuction techniques being performed that are making the procedure easier and more effective than ever.

  • VASER Ultrasonic liposuction emulsifies fat for precise, easy removal.
  • Laser liposuction ‘melts’ fat before suctioning it out.
  • Tumescent liposuction involves the injection of lidocaine and adrenaline into the tissue.

Some of the newer platforms may not be as effective as advertised, nor as effective as traditional liposuction.  Contact us to learn more about what liposuction techniques and devices we employ in our Dallas surgery practice.

Researchers Link Breastfeeding With Small Waist Circumference

The latest research regarding health benefits of breastfeeding suggests that it may help reduce a woman’s waist circumference and risk of heart disease.  Physicians discussed these findings last week at the AHA conference on cardiovascular health.

The data, collected from 351 women at an average age of 51, revealed that those “who consistently breast-fed their children had waist circumferences that were an average of 2.6 inches smaller than women who had never breast-fed.”

As Dr. Nieca Goldberg suggests, these women may also be engaged in healthier lifestyles, but it appears that breastfeeding makes a significant difference when it comes to unhealthy belly fat.

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Botox: A Pain Fighter?

Famous for its ability to smooth deep facial wrinkles, Botox is also showing promise at relieving pain according to researchers at Johns Hopkins.

A study found that patients with thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)—a debilitating and painful nerve compression disorder—who received a single, low-dose injection of Botox in a neck muscle reported a significant reduction in short-term pain.

This suggests, the researchers say, that Botox could be an alternative to the invasive rib-removal surgery that is used to treat the syndrome as a last resort.

“There haven’t been many alternatives to the use of surgery to treat this syndrome,” says the study’s lead author Paul J. Christo, M.D., M.B.A., an assistant professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “Botox seems to be an effective treatment that avoids surgery’s obvious drawbacks, such as its invasive nature and long recovery time.”

As with treating wrinkles, the effect from Botox on TOS patients lasts only a few months, so repeated injections would be necessary to maintain the results. Dr. Christo says some patients could develop antibodies to the compound with excessive use, which would mean the toxin would no longer block pain.

Botox’s use as a cosmetic procedure shows no signs of slowing. In the latest statistics from the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery it was the number one less-invasive cosmetic procedure performed in the United States in 2009. Dr. Frenzel performs Botox in his Arlington, Texas office.

For the full release on how Botox eases nerve pain in TOS patients, visit the Johns Hopkins Medicine website.

Latisse Eyelash Enhancer Now Available in Dallas

LatissePoster-2The story behind Latisse eyelash enhancement is interesting, yet somewhat familiar in the pharmaceutical industry.  Drugs often make their way to the market inadvertently, and some become hugely popular for uses that were never intended.  Such is the case with Latisse eyelash enhancement, one of the latest offerings from Allergan Inc.

The origin of Latisse is in topical prostaglandins, drugs frequently used to decrease intra-ocular pressure in glaucoma patients.  In patients who used these prostaglandins, researchers and physicians documented a ‘complication’ or side effect called “hypertrichosis,” a condition characterized by darkening, thickening, and lengthening of the eyelashes.

The Food and Drug Administration gave clearance for Allergan to market a glaucoma drug (and topical prostaglandin) called Lumigan in 2001, at which point two important precursors to Latisse occurred.

  • The FDA seized over 2 million dollars worth of product from Jan Marini Skin Research Inc because the products – Age Intervention Eyelash – contained the same chemical formula as Lumigan, which had not yet been approved for cosmetic use.
  • Doctors began prescribing Lumigan off-label to patients who wanted enhanced eyelashes.

After clinical trials and further research, Allergan received FDA clearance for cosmetic use of Latisse.  In one study, 278 healthy adults with minimal to moderate eyelash prominence applied Latisse or a placebo to their lash line.  The results were favorable; researchers observed “statistically significant differences in eyelash growth and resulting patient satisfaction” while only 3.6 percent experienced itchy eyes and redness, and only 2.9 percent experienced hyperpigmentation on the surrounding skin.

Study Reviews Risk of Quitting Smoking Before Surgery

Cigarette ButtA recent study shows that quitting smoking two months before surgery may not affect the risk of postoperative complications.

However, cigarette smoking has been proven to increase the risk of complications across a wide variety of surgical procedures, from life saving surgeries to cosmetic procedures like facelifts. “Compared with nonsmokers, smokers who undergo surgery have longer hospital stays, higher risk of readmission, are more likely to be admitted to an intensive care unit, and have an increased risk of in-hospital mortality,” write the British researchers who authored the study.

Surgeons know that surgery is riskier for smokers, but nobody is certain how long it takes for cessation of smoking to translate into postoperative benefits. This latest study challenges the old assumptions that one could quit smoking several weeks before surgery and thereby reduce the associated risks.

The study authors call for further research on the effects of only a few days’ abstinence from smoking, since their analysis did not account for the symptoms of short-term tobacco withdrawal over that short a time.

When Men Can Benefit From Abdominoplasty

Tummy tuck surgery is typically considered by women trying improve their dallas tummy tuckpost-pregnancy body. But that’s not the case with every patient; many people who have experienced major weight reduction – men included – can often undergo this surgery.

Unfortunately, some male patients feel embarrassed to investigate the procedure. A man who documented his tummy tuck online writes that he perceived a “stigma or shame associated with male tummy tucks,” that made him hesitate to inquire about the operation.  If you’re researching a tummy tuck, know that surgeons should be able to offer advice specific to your gender.

A male member of the forum asks about skin laxity on his abdomen due to weight loss:

I’m dealing with loose skin after a 50 lbs weight loss in my teens. I’ve totally transformed and I’m very athletic with well-defined abs, but have laxity mostly below the navel and around the lower back. The problem areas are very localized and I hide it under the belt line with no one suspecting I was obese. But I feel “unfinished.” The front skin is very thin and hangs, the back is mostly smooth. Is there a tummy tuck technique that would excise the abdominal skin and provide modest tightening in the lower back?

Washington DC plastic surgeon Chris Hess MD responds: “Even though we tend to have better skin tone than women, we can still end up with excess skin due to skin memory. It sounds like you could undergo a mild excision of the excess tissue–less than a mini tummy tuck.”

Some cases aren’t so simple. When a man has experienced a greater weight reduction, the full tummy tuck may be recommended. “Do not hesitate to use a full abdominoplasty for a male patient with extreme skin laxity; men tend to heal better than women after abdominoplasty,” advises Oklahoma cosmetic surgeon Angelo Cuzalina.

Others agree: a comprehensive approach may be necessary for a large number of men. Dr. Alan Matarasso, scientific editor of Aesthetic Surgery Journal discusses the procedure in Cosmetic Surgery Times: he says “you really need to treat men circumferentially, all the way around, because if you ask most men what bothers them, it’s the ‘love handles,’ and that goes all the way around to the back.”

For men, tummy tuck surgery might be discussed less frequently, but it is clear that cosmetic surgeons perform it on a regular basis. If you think you might be a good candidate, ignore any perceived “stigma” and ask a surgeon for the information you need.

FDA Advisory Committee Recommends Approval to Expand Use of Lap Band

Lap Band before and after pictures

Before and after photos of a Lap Band patient (image courtesy of

Allergan Inc. announced that an FDA Advisory Committee has recommended with an 8-2 vote that the FDA extend the currently approved use of the company’s Lad Band® System, used for weight loss surgery, to patients that have a body mass index below 40.

The Lap Band, which is an inflatable silicone device that gets placed on the upper portion of the stomach, limiting the patient’s intake of food and suppressing hunger, is currently indicated for patients with:

  • BMI of 40 or higher
  • BMI of 35 or higher combined with a health problem such as diabetes or high blood pressure

The change would make the Lap Band available to patients who are at BMI of 35 or higher or patients with a BMI of 30 or higher and at least one additional weight-related health problem.

The FDA committee’s decision came after a five-year study of 149 obese patients treated with the Lap Band that found over 80 percent lost at least 30 percent of their weight after one year.

The FDA will make a final decision on the wider use, but the agency typically follows the advice of its advisory panels, according to an msnbc article.

Wider approval could make millions more people eligible for the Lap Band surgery. About 15 million Americans are candidates under the current guidelines for use and about 27 million more fit under the broader group, Allergan said.

To learn more about the Lap Band procedure and to discuss whether you are a good candidate, contact the Advanced Cosmetic Surgery office of Dr. Frenzel to schedule a consultation.

Mommy Makeover Cosmetic Surgery on the Today Show

While new moms are overjoyed after the birth of their child, many say they struggle trying to return their bodies to a youthful shape. In these cases, some women elect to have a mommy makeover series of cosmetic surgery procedures, which usually includes a tummy tuck, liposuction, and a breast lift or augmentation.
This video from the Today show is about “life changers” features a patient named Fatma Rice, who decided to undergo a mommy makeover after she couldn’t get her pre-baby body back.

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She says that after pregnancy, she “did everything in her power” to get back in shape, but “you take off your clothes in front of the mirror and it doesn’t look so great.” So she made a decision to do something about it with cosmetic surgery.

“I’m getting a mommy makeover,” she tells the Today show, where she also explains the transformation and shows off her mommy makeover before and after photos.

Younger Patients Look to Cosmetic Surgery to Reverse Ear Gauging

Woman smilingMore young people who have gauging, a process that deliberately stretches and widens earlobes, are looking to have it reversed and are turning to cosmetic surgery for help. reports that ear surgery is being requested by individuals who have regrets about having their lobes stretched.

Also known as otoplasty, ear surgery is often requested by those looking for jobs and going on interviews, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Angelo Cuzalina tells the New York Daily News.

“It’s almost becoming a fad,” he says. “People have the gauging procedure where they gradually stretch out their lobe so it has a giant hole that’s larger than a quarter. But then they want to join the workforce and think their chances for a job might be better if they didn’t have this.”

Plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Glatt also reports that he is seeing more young patients who gauged their ears as teenagers but now regret doing it and look to have their ears reconstructed.

Dr. Cuzalina explains the basic steps involved in this type of earlobe surgery: first, surgeons remove small strips of skin from the bottom of the lobe; then the edges of the lobe are stitched back together; and finally skin tissue is used to re-create the shape of a normal ear lobe.

Patients should expect some scarring, but after several months, they should be able to wear regular earrings again, says Dr. Cuzalina. The procedure yields a relatively normal-looking earlobe, he adds.

“It’s not a really painful operation to have done, but you may never get the lobe back to its original shape,” says Dr. Cuzalina. “But more people are doing it. It usually takes some change in a person’s life to force them to come in and get the surgery.”

ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System

*Results May Vary

The ORBERA Gastric Balloon is an FDA approved weight loss system has been proven to help patients lose 3.1 times more weight that diet and exercise alone. Dr. Frenzel is happy to offer this less invasive procedure to patients who have a body mass index between 30 and 40. For many of these patients, the other procedures are not indicated for their BMI.

ORBERA Inflated (larger)
What is the ORBERA System?

The ORBERA system is actually a comprehensive two-part program designed to provide effective, motivating results that you can see. It all starts with a soft balloon placed in your stomach for six months to reinforce proper portion control. The balloon’s main job is to take up space in your stomach which will teach you to eat smaller meals. All of this without surgery or any incisions. You will be receiving coaching on nutrition, portion control and exercise while the balloon is still placed. At six months the balloon is deflated and removed, however, you will still have 6 months in our program to continue to work with the specialists to insure that the habits formed during the first 6 months are reinforced.

How is the ORBERA™ procedure completed?

The insertion procedure is a non-surgical procedure done under a mild sedative, the thin and deflated ORBERA balloon is placed into the stomach. It is then filled with saline until it’s about the size of a grapefruit. The procedure typically takes about 20-30 minutes so you can go home the very same day. At six months, the balloon is removed in the same way it was placed. Through a non-surgical procedure done under a mild sedative, it is deflated first then removed.


What can I expect after ORBERA?

You can expect rapid weight loss, with the majority of weight loss typically occurring in the first three months of treatment. On average gastric balloon patients have lost more than 3 times the weight loss of patients who tried diet and exercise alone. The adjustments to your eating habits and your continued efforts to stay active will greatly influence your results. So you should work hard during the program to lose weight and learn the best practices to keep the weight off.

Who can have the ORBERA procedure?

Adults age 21 or older
Patients with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 to 40
People willing to participate in a medically supervised program

Call the office today to schedule your consultation at BodEvolve to discuss how the Gastric Balloon can help you reach your weight loss goals.


Important ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System Safety Information

The ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System is a weight loss aid for adults with obesity, with a body mass index (BMI) ≥30 and ≤40 kg/m2, who have tried other weight loss programs, such as following supervised diet, exercise, and behavior modification programs, but who were unable to lose weight and keep it off.

To receive ORBERA™ you must be willing to also follow a 12-month program, beginning with the placement of ORBERA™ and continuing for 6 months after, that includes a healthy diet and exercise plan. If the diet and exercise program is not followed, you will not experience significant weight loss results; in fact, you may not experience any weight loss.

Losing weight and keeping it off is not easy, so you will be supervised throughout this program by a team of physicians, physiologists, and nutritionists. This team will help you make and maintain major changes in your eating and exercise habits.

ORBERA™ is placed for no more than six months. Any time that the balloon is in the stomach for longer than six months puts you at risk for complications, such as bowel obstruction, which can be fatal.

Some patients are ineligible to receive ORBERA™. Your doctor will ask you about your medical history and will also perform a physical examination to determine your eligibility for the device. Additionally, at the time of placement, the doctor may identify internal factors, such as stomach irritation or ulcers, which may prevent you from receiving ORBERA™.

You must not receive ORBERA™ if you are pregnant, a woman planning to become pregnant within six months’ time, or breast-feeding.

Complications that may result from the use of ORBERA™ include the risks associated with any endoscopic procedure and those associated with the medications and methods used in this procedure, as well as your ability to tolerate a foreign object placed in your stomach. Possible complications include: partial or complete blockage of the bowel by the balloon, insufficient or no weight loss, adverse health consequences resulting from weight loss, stomach discomfort, continuing nausea and vomiting, abdominal or back pain, acid reflux, influence on digestion of food, blockage of food entering the stomach, bacterial growth in the fluid filling the balloon which can lead to infection, injury to the lining of the digestive tract, stomach or esophagus, and balloon deflation.

Important: For full safety information please visit, talk with your doctor, or call Apollo Customer Support at 1-855-MYORBERA.

CAUTION: Rx only.

Reference: Directions For Use (DFU). ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon System (ORBERA™). Austin, TX: Apollo Endosurgery, Inc